Jordan Terry
Jordan Terry on maintaining Gym and PettingZoo, hardware accelerated environments and the future of RL, environment models for multi-agent RL, and more!
Jordan Terry is a PhD candidate at University of Maryland, the maintainer of Gym, the maintainer and creator of PettingZoo and the founder of Swarm Labs.
Featured References
PettingZoo: Gym for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
J. K. Terry, Benjamin Black, Nathaniel Grammel, Mario Jayakumar, Ananth Hari, Ryan Sullivan, Luis Santos, Rodrigo Perez, Caroline Horsch, Clemens Dieffendahl, Niall L. Williams, Yashas Lokesh, Praveen Ravi
PettingZoo on Github
gym on Github
Additional References
- Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning, Pardo et al 2017
- Deep Reinforcement Learning at the Edge of the Statistical Precipice, Agarwal et al 2021
Creators and Guests

Robin Ranjit Singh Chauhan
๐ฑ Head of Eng @AgFunder ๐ง AI:Reinforcement Learning/ML/DL/NLP๐๏ธHost @TalkRLPodcast ๐ณ ex-@Microsoft ecomm PgmMgr ๐ค @UWaterloo CompEng ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ฎ๐ณ